Friday, July 09, 2004

What's on my Plate...


As many as one in ten college women suffer from a clinical or nearly clinical eating disorder, including 5.1% who suffer from bulimia nervosa.

According to Washington Post writer Shankar Vedantam, women are over-represented in ads for psychiatric drugs and "are usually shown as being submissive, sexy or asleep." Nothing sexier than a sleeping, drugged up lady.

Some brief easy-reading articles on queer history and literature. I haven't looked at these in depth, but they're a nice primer for identifying interesting topics I might want to look further into. My rant on my abhorrence at the use of "gay" and "gay history" will have to wait for another time. Suffice to say the term "gay history" or "queer history" is about as offensive to me as the term "women's history," as if the royal "we" only refers to Old White Hetero Boys. But, alas, I'm at a lack for terms...

In other news, please, please at least vote in November. The least you can do is vote every four years for a president. It's been a long, hard road to get to that place.

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