Friday, November 05, 2004

If it Was Up to the Under-30s

Here's how the election would have panned out if it was up to all the under-30s who showed up on Tuesday.

Obama is so winning in 2012.

4 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Don't people under thirty get it. Those people that grew up in the sixties were by far more liberal than young people today. Look at those people today, they voted for Bush. When you start getting old you want to protect what you've worked for. When we get old we also get religous. So it may be a good thing that old people die today but many of you will will get conservative as you get older. I was also reading an article on the net that suggests that more young people are religous today than ever before. Also that families are going back to one income. 

Posted by Jack

Anonymous said...

Yes, but I would also argue that the America of today is far different than the one those 60s hippies came out of - in large part because of their activism. 2004 American is a lot different than 1950s America - the last 50 years have been radically liberal, and it was the actions of the youth that got us here. Even when I'm Old and Conservative, I'd like to hope that the work done on the ground now, in my youth, will be the stuff I'm balking against when I'm an Old Woman.

I also think that permanent one-income family stats are a myth. What you'll find is that often, one spouse or the other stays home for 5-10 years to raise kids, then goes back to work. This is going to make it look like more women in their 30s are staying home. And they likely are - until their kids are raised (even Uncle Steve has gone back to work!). Also, this push often doesn't work for very long because our society has become so dependent on the two-person income family. Even if one spouse chooses to stay home, it's often financially impossible to maintain a household on that income over the long term. So I think those numbers are skewed, though I'd be interested in seeing your source.

Posted by Kameron Hurley

Anonymous said...

Yes that generation did make a big difference. I just feel it never happens as fast or turns out the way you think it will. Bill Clinton was interviewed on MSNBC today, check it out. Things may not be as bad as you all think they are. Well thought out response.


Posted by Jack

Anonymous said...

Yay, we're awesome. 

Posted by Simon Owens