Saturday, January 29, 2005

Drunk, Amid Lovers

At which point, the protagonist thinks: he does not have to be perfect. Just date. Pretend. It does not have to be real. Make something up. Just live in Chicago. Here. Now. Next to me. That's all.

And the protagonist grabs another black russian, and switches out the contacts for glasses, and goes to watch Carnivale.

The SO, who is originally from Wichita, KS, says: "Don't you ever fear that you'll get sucked back into your small town?

Me: Yes. Every damn day. Every time I go back. Every day.

Another drink, another day.

He does not have to be perfect.

4 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Revealations for the moment. 

Posted by VJ

Anonymous said...

It all goes away with sobriety.... I was hoping I could take that one down before somebody posted to it.

Oh well.


Posted by Kameron Hurley

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't go on for hours, like I did. :-) Now I just write down my drunken or stoned insights and save them as drafts. Then I can pick out the truly brilliant or the truly awful revelations and choose whether or not to post them. Less honest, I guess, but probably more coherent, in my case. 

Posted by bluesmama

Anonymous said...

POST EVERYTHING, I googled for 'drunk blog', and voila. This site came to me in, not a dream, but a browser with a wonderful black background. So I'll finish by saying that this comment, was purely for the enticement of new and wonderful things (like random blog-comment-postings when your a bit drunk (won't remember a thing about this tomorrow)). And now for something completely different: "The Cumshots - Go Forth And Fuck!" download asap, plz ;) sleept tight, or good morning, whatever suits you. N. 

Posted by Nikolai