Tuesday, March 28, 2006


First major pass of edits are done for The Dragon's Wall.

The book is going to fucking rock.

Printing it out tonight or tomorrow and doing line edits on the whole shebang. Inputting line edits, then it goes to the next round of readers for feedback.

At least this book will go out on time.

1 comments so far. Got something to say?

Kameron Hurley said...

How much paper goes into a round of line edits? 

For this version? About 580 pages. Something like 140K

For the last version, about 750. Something like 185K

The original version was just over 200K.

I'm going to be really good at revising when this book is done. It's the trickiest one I've ever written: he didn't have much of a plot, which meant I threw in everything but the kitchen sink and then had to go back through, see what I had, and make a story out of it.

In the future, I want to be better at plotting. It was the first thing I did with God's War. I don't want to go through another shit spittle like this one.

Posted by Kameron