Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Day in Columbus

OK, the rest of Ohio isn't nearly as depressing as Dayton. Maybe Dayton just isn't my kind of town. I'm thinking it's the whole "few to no jobs" and "what jobs there are pay crap" thing.

But honestly, Columbus just has a far better feel. And I'm *sure* it's not just because it's packed with cologne-wearing college boys. Not at all. I mean, they all dress and sound alike, which is pretty much the most unattractive thing in the whole world.

Sure are pretty, tho.

Um, did I say that out loud?

Which probably also says something about my actual problem with Dayton.

We went to The Book Loft in the German Village (I could totally live here!) and tried to get to the only ethiopean restaurant in town, but it was fucking closed.

Like they knew we were coming.


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