Sunday, June 26, 2005


Just... fucktards.

I'm baffled that the way I speak and write freaks out so many people.

This is me. This is what I have. Why is it that men get more wiggle room to be assholes than women do?

Men make careers out of being assholes.

I can't even use the word "fuck" in polite conversation without being lambasted (by men and women) for being "angry" and "white."


10 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Most amusing thing I've seen here in, well a week or so perhaps. But yeah. Men. Assholes. Career opportunities. Plentiful. Yeah, it usually pays well to be a Big Dick.

By way of suggestion: On Complaints about your 'potty mouth' (which anyone should find endearing in an educated, intelligent lass), tell 'em you can't help it you grew up in 'Jersey. It works every time.  

Posted by VJ

Anonymous said...

Using power language, such as swear words, is *still* considered a male privilege.

And, of course, there's the way women are expected to be "nice girls" all of the time (esp. middle class women).

Glad you're using swear words has riled some people. ;) Keep swearin'! ;) 

Posted by Sour Duck

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of bloody goddamned fucking whiners, is all I have to say about that. 

Posted by alphabitch

Anonymous said...

What bums me out is that it should have been a "friendly" forum familiar with these sorts of tactics, and everybody should have known better.

It was seriously baffling to be discussing an issue and suddenly realize that the last five posts have been people telling you you're too angry, too white, and too stereotypically a woman.

Really, really unsettling.  

Posted by Kameron Hurley

Anonymous said...

Fuck em all Kam. And for the langauge not being helped, coming from BG I'm just glad you didn't end up the hick FFA member you should have by all rights ended up as. 

Posted by Eli

Anonymous said...

i feel your pain here. i have a potty mouth, and i've been in your shoes. fuck them. really. well, not literally, cos man, that'd be way too good for them. but fuck their assumptions, and fuck their judgments, because clearly, they have their heads so far up their asses they're in danger of chewing a hole through their colons. 

Posted by kaete

Anonymous said...

I wish to send you support, because man, those fuckers obviously don't know *what* the hell is going on.

You rock. 

Posted by Emma

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that it's only some groups that have problems with women swearing, right?, I'd be in soo much trouble over in your country. I admit to moderating my language in certain situations (grandmothers, topic supervisors, etc) but everyday conversation? Fuck 'em.

Anyway...yeah. That males get more room to be dominant, use 'aggressive' language, be opinionated.. Pisses. Me. Off. Applause that you stick to your guns (though reading your blog for a while, I'm thinking that's who you are anyway. :) ) 

Posted by Random Watcher

Anonymous said...

Is it that you need to have others approval to spew? Or is it just that you are upset people don't simply ignore your foul language and take it without noticing it? Or is it that you want them to be shocked and impressed by your vulgar tongue? In any event it is your problem not theirs.  

Posted by truth is stranger

Anonymous said...

Hey truth, I tend to think that if people have problems with Loud Women or Homosexuals then the problem's not so much the Loud Women or Homosexuals, but the intolerance of the poster who can't permit the existence of anything that exists outside his or her narrowly proscribed worldview.

And yea, Random, anybody who spends any time here knows that use of the word "fuck" and long rants about things I actually give a shit about are pretty much par for the course.

It's who I am.

The great thing about virtual space is that if you don't like it, you can leave, and if it entertains you, you can keep coming back for more.  

Posted by Kameron Hurley