Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gendered Writing

Surprise! If you write from a male POV, you must be a male writer, and if you write from a female POV, you must be a female writer.

All hail the gender genie!

I think this would have been more amusing if I didn't peg the whole insert male POV scene followed by "try again" and then insert female POV scene. That was way too predictable.

(via making light)

6 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Jackie M. said...

I swear, half of the time when someone says "I just don't like reading what women write," what they really mean is: I can't get over reading from a female POV.

See also.

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that the author of The Women of Our Occupation is male, and the author of Genderbending at the Madhattered is female.

David Moles said...

I'm afraid the first 1000 words or so of VW Pt. 2 came out as overwhelmingly male. Apparently Viola uses the too much and if not enough. Have to work on that....

Kameron Hurley said...

I actually figured VW would come out masculine because it's first-person. Default for first-person would be read, of course, masculine.

David Moles said...

You'd think so, but words like "me" and "my" and "we" show up in the "female" column.

Anonymous said...

I threw in poetry and legal writing and science papers just or the fun of it. According to my legal writing and poetry, I'm a boy! According to several of my science papers, I'm a girl. (Those are the papers I wrote on areas of science that are unsettled, so there was a lot of qualifying language in there.)

For fun, I ran some of Catharine MacKinnon's speeches through there. She's a man, too.