Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Apartment Hunt is Over!

Got my new digs a few hops from the The Greene (no, not *at* The Greene as some of my coworkers believe. I can't afford to live *at* The Greene). I now have a "Beavercreek" address instead of a "Dayton" address, which I think also makes me feel better.

One bedroom, dishwasher, air conditioning, balcony, onsite laundry. The only drawback is that it's more than I wanted to spend and no utilities are included. My commute also goes from 15 min to 35 min.

But, yo: it's my own place! It's big! It has a walk-through closet!

The first month is free. I sign and pick up the keys on the 12th. Photos to follow shortly thereafter.

2 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Hannah said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaay, own place!

Kameron Hurley said...

It's like I'm a real adult or something!!!

Also, I will have furniture!!!

It won't look like a dorm room or cockroach-infested grad-student-in-Africa-who-chain-smokes apartment!!!