Monday, March 08, 2010


A little stunned that the first woman to win Best Director won in 2010.

That's two-thousand-and-ten, people.

At least this happened before the flying cars?

6 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Jackie M. said...

"At least this happened before flying cars" is now my new favorite expression of gratitude.

Kameron Hurley said...

I did hear that Alec Baldwin apparently slapped her on the ass after she won, too, and there's been hardly a mention of that particular bit of, "Hey, don't get all high and mighty now and forget that YOU'RE A WOMAN!" BS, so it might be a long time coming for the flying cars, too.

Jackie M. said...

Please, please tell me you're kidding. Or at least that she sued him shortly thereafter.

Kameron Hurley said...

Nope. Google it!!

A.R.Yngve said...

Honestly, I stopped caring about the Academy Awards a long, long time ago. If the movie's good, the movie's good regardless of how many hood ornaments it receives...


You are worthress Arec Bardwin,
You are worthress Arec Bardwin,
You are worthress Arec Bardwin...

Maphi said...

Thaanks for the post