Wednesday, September 08, 2004

No Shit, Sherlock

CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- When it comes to heart disease, being fit may be more important than being thin, according to a study of more than 900 women published Tuesday.

"Our study shows that the lack of physical fitness is a stronger risk factor for developing heart disease than being overweight or obese," said Timothy Wessel, a physician at the University of Florida who headed up the research.

Fascinating that their study group was a group of women, isn't it? Particularly because more men suffer from heart disease than women... Once again: can we all just start talking about what all this obesity panic is about? It has about 2% to do with health. Just like invading Iraq had about 2% to do with terrorism.

Can somebody just do an Al Gore and say, "The reason we didn't intervene in the genocide of 2 million people in Rwanda is because we have no economic interests there"?

That would be great.

1 comments so far. Got something to say?

Vincent Holland-Keen said...

Actually, the issue about obesity is about health:

Careful research based on measurements over a period of 14 years in more than a million people has shown that the risk of death from all causes increases steadily as obesity increases in both women and men of all ages. Men with the highest BMI have three times the risk of dying in a particular year compared with men having a normal BMI.

A report from the World Health Organisation published in April 2001 indicates that obesity and lack of exercise contribute to up to one-third of all cancers of the colon, breast, kidney and stomach. Obesity-related deaths are now second only to those related to smoking. Half of European adults are overweight.

Obesity is not just an adult problem. Recent studies have shown that over the period 1989–98 there was a rapid spread of obesity in England, the United States and elsewhere in the developed world.

Among 3-to-4-year-old English children there was a 60 per cent increase in the prevalence of obesity. Early childhood obesity is a strong predictor of adult obesity and of serious health risks later in life.