Monday, November 01, 2004

Here Goes

The regular site was down, was "unavailable" but electoral-vote4 is up and running (he's got it running on 6 servers for just this reason).

If nothing else, Kerry winning means I get to stop bitching about politics until January. Let's make sure I can take a month-long politics-bitching hiatus, OK?

After that: inauguration time, baby. And the gloves'll come off.

Taking tomorrow off from my MA class so I can get back to my polling station and vote before 8pm.

See you all there.

2 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I can't want for this political three-ring circus to be OVER!! 

Posted by Bent Fabric

Anonymous said...

Exhausting, isn't it? It occured to me today that there are a million more varied things I really could be blogging about... lord, I don't want to have an idiot as president. If for no other reason than that I don't have to cringe as much while traveling abroad. But at least, after tomorrow, I won't have to angst about it again for another 4 years.

Unless Bush is reinstated. In which case... OK. I'm done talking about it.  

Posted by Kameron Hurley