Thursday, March 23, 2006

Released Without Comment...

3 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

clindsay said...

I nearly pissed myself laughing at this!!! AWESOME!

Kameron Hurley said...

I'm sticking it out for Arya. If he kills Arya, I may bow out.

I just got to the first Arya chapter in A Feast For Crows after plodding through all these chapters about people I wished would just die (one of them did), and I actually teared up a little. I want to have a series with characters you care about *that* much, that you'll keep going because you care so much.

But yea, if Arya dies, no matter how invested I am, I may be done. Crows is realllllly dragging.

Anonymous said...

I take "A Feast For Crows" as proof that just because you CAN leverage your authorial power to decide that book four of your series is going to involve deep characterization of (mostly) a bunch of minor characters while taking the reader through five variants of the same damn plot... doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Nothing more spoilerish than that, but COME ON.